The Department for Education (DfE) requires that the following information is published on our website. This information is available across our website but for ease of access please click on the links below to view the relevant page on this website or to be directed to the Unity School Partnership website.
School Website
- School or college contact details
- Admission arrangements
- Ofsted reports
- Exam and assessment results
- Performance tables
- Curriculum
- Early Years Policy
- Behaviour policy
- Pupil premium
- PE and sport premium for primary schools
- Equality objectives
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Complaints policy
- Annual reports and accounts
- Executive pay
- Governing Body
- Articles of Association Unity Schools Partnership
- School Opening Hours
- School uniform
- Supplemental Funding Agreements
- Charging and remissions policies
- Values and ethos
- Financial Benchmarking
- Requests for copies – please contact the School Office