Safeguarding everyone at Westfield Primary Academy is of prime importance.
At Westfield, we have a ‘Designated Safeguarding Lead’ as well as ‘Alternate Safeguarding Leads’, our key safeguarding personnel are as follows:
- Mrs Helen Game – Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Ms Carly Moody – Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- Mr Toby Gooch– Alternate Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Alison Jones – Alternate Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Lucy Mitchell – Alternate Safeguarding Lead
- Miss Helen George – Alternate Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Helen Stone – Alternate Safeguarding Lead
- Mr Peter Nicholson – Safeguarding Governor
Do you have a safeguarding concern about one of our pupils?
We are all responsible for keeping children safe. If you are concerned about a pupil, please contact a member of staff by emailing or calling the school office on 01440 761697.
Alternatively, please call Customer First on 0808 800 4005 (free from landlines and most mobiles).
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Further information
Please click on the links below to access more information.
- Suffolk CYP Wellbeing Hub
- The Children’s Society
- Think U Know
- Trussell Trust – find a foodbank
- Women’s Aid
- Young Carers
- Young Minds
Further information on Safeguarding can also be found in the policies section of our website.