Governing Body
Local Governance at Unity Schools Partnership
The UnitySP Trust Board, through the Articles of Association, has committed to Local Governing Bodies to work in partnership with the Executive and Leadership Teams to fulfil the three core responsibilities of Governance.
These are:
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
We have married these to our Governance Charter and our Scheme of Delegation. These documents, together with the USP Handbook for Local Governance, clearly set out the role and responsibilities of our Local Governing Bodies (LGBs). You can access these documents from the links below or directly from the Unity Schools Partnership website.
Governors have taken the decision to meet regularly as a full governing body and meet at least five times throughout the year.
In addition, there are two working groups which look at specific issues in depth and make recommendations for the Governing Body to action.
The Resources Working Group considers financial, personnel and premises issues and meets half-termly, including various members of staff as appropriate. The Teaching and Learning Working Group meets to analyse data, paying particular attention to progress and attainment of groups of pupils and also considers curriculum initiatives and their impact on pupil outcomes. There is also a recently formed steering group comprising members of the governing body and the senior leadership team. The purpose of this group which meets at the end of the Summer term, is to consider the key priorities for the school to inform the Academy Improvement Plan.
Governors also have specific responsibilities in line with DFE and Trust requirements and Academy priorities. These roles include governors with responsibility for:
- Safeguarding
- Disadvantaged Pupils
- Attendance
- English
- Maths
Formal monitoring happens through termly Monitoring Mornings and individual governor visits and Governors are regularly in school undertaking learning walks and talking to pupils and staff. The Chair of Governors meets regularly with the Headteacher to discuss the general running of the school and joins the Senior Leadership Team meeting once a term.
Please follow the ‘Get Information About Schools’ link below for additional governance information.
Further information
Unity Schools Partnership
We are proud to be part of the Unity Schools Partnership.
The Unity Schools Partnership is a partnership of schools located on the Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire borders. We share the same values, face similar issues and are geographically close enough to support and challenge each other.
Unity Schools Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07400386.
The registered office is at Unity Schools Partnership, Park Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7YD.
For funding agreements, articles, accounts, and other detailed governance arrangements please click on the link below.