Westfield Primary Academy is fortunate to occupy a beautiful site which enables pupils to learn and play well together indoors and outside. The academy building is of a bespoke design and provides a wonderful learning environment.
At Westfield our aim is to provide a safe and happy environment where all pupils can learn, grow and succeed to the best of their ability. We are extremely proud of our academy and believe it provides an excellent environment in which pupils can grow and learn together in order to achieve to the best of their ability.
We have top class facilities which enable children to learn and grow in a large, spacious, modern building with ample grounds. We have two large halls, a large on-site kitchen, three playgrounds and a sizeable school field.
We are two form entry setting and can accommodate 60 children in each year group from Reception to Y6. Each class is named after a bird and classrooms are housed within zones named after trees. We also have a 30 place nursery and can offer provision from the beginning of the new term which follows a child’s third birthday.
Our children access a large library which has been recently restocked with new titles. This is supported by £30,000 worth of class readers allowing children to access high quality texts every day. Each classroom acesses shared areas in which children can be taught in small groups. We have a separate design and technology area based in our Explore room, allowing children to bake regularly.
We believe in the importance of nurture and wellbeing at Westfield and are proud of the Aviary provision which offers social and emotional support for our young people through bespoke intervention. This is led by one of our THRIVE trained facilitators who are qualified to offer such support following training which is underpinned by neuroscience. Our leaders offer an early start provision which pupils are invited to if they are finding attending school particularly difficult.
We offer high quality, competitively priced, daily wrap around care from 7am to 5.45pm via our Breakfast Boost and Woodlanders provision. Sessions are themed and snacks and hot meals are served. Our wrap around care is run by Prestige Sports, who offer a range of fun activities for pupils to engage in while attending. We are always looking for ways to improve the offer so we regularly ask for pupils’ feedback.
Our full curriculum includes sports coaching, French, Music and Forest School alongside English, Maths, Science, RE, Art, DT, History, Geography, PSHE, Computing and PE.