Who’s who in Starling Class
Welcome to Starling Class
Situated at the top of the school, pupils work hard to consolidate all of their learning from their primary years, whilst working at the high standards expected at the end of Key Stage 2.
In Year 6, in addition to daily maths and English lessons, our wide-ranging Discovery Curriculum includes all of the elements required from the National Curriculum. Some of the topics we cover include: a scientific understanding of living things and their habitats, the geography of the UK, Europe and America, using our French skills to market a French house, computing and how Big Data is used, the work of the impressionists and colour mixing in art and the history of the Windrush generation pioneers. We also have a vibrant music curriculum and the opportunity to join a school choir, weekly PE sessions and an exciting new PSHE scheme, focusing on our well-being and our role in the community. For a more in-depth view of what we will be studying, please take a look at our curriculum map.
Weekly homework is set to consolidate learning from class-time and includes creative tasks, learning vocabulary and spellings and practising key maths skills in addition to daily reading.
We use Accelerated Reader and Bug Club to support our reading in school and at home. We take reading quizzes to help us deepen our comprehension.
To support our multiplication and division fluency we use programs such as Times Tables Rock Stars to help us practise in school and at home.
In May, we sit our Year 6 SATs, which test learning from the whole primary curriculum. To help us prepare for this, meetings will be held for parents to help them support their child and various mock papers will be taken at school to teach the children about the style of question types that they will encounter. Revision booklets will also be available for distribution so that pupils may revise at home and pupils may be given opportunity to attend additional booster sessions.
We use Class Dojo to communicate and any changes made to the day or week will be posted by the class teacher. If there any immediate or personal enquiries, please send us a direct message and we will get back to you either via Dojo or a phone call if preferable. Each child’s portfolio, where work may be posted, is also available for parents to see so that you can celebrate their successes with them.
In the summer term, Year 6 will hold an Oscars ceremony to celebrate the children’s time at primary school. This will involve awards and dressing in our finest apparel to showcase all that we have achieved. The pupils will also have inset days to allow them to attend their new high school. Dates will be at the end of the summer term and we are here to support parents and pupils with every step towards their new school and transition into Key Stage 3.
For the latest information and more detail about this term’s planned activities, please check our class newsletter.