Who’s who in Heron Class
Welcome to Heron Class!
Welcome to Heron class. Our teacher is Miss Roach.
In Year 2, we learn about Habitats and living things, The Great Fire of London and in Geography we will explore the local area and compare it with different places, map skills and routes.
We explore creating textures with paint and create our own pouches using a running stitch. Please see our Curriculum Overview for greater detail of our Discovery Learning.
In Year 2, we start to use the TTRS (Times Tables Rock stars) programme to improve our multiplication and counting skills. Year 2 is where we begin to practise our 2, 5 and 10 time tables.
We use Class Dojo to support home/school communication. We post updates on the school and class story and parents can see their child’s portfolio and message their class teacher.
For the latest information please see our class newsletter for this term.

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